Culturesconnect.me is the major project implemented by Claude Koehl, a social psychologist and author of the book: The American Way of Life – The Foreigners’ Perspective.
Through her years of experience with expatriates, Claude Koehl realized that finding other expatriates to maintain a connection with their culture of origin is a fundamental element for feeling better in their adopted country.
Each expatriate, even if they are happy in their host country, seeks to meet other expatriates from the same country.
According to Claude Koehl, the recurring questions are:
“Where am I going to find people who understand me?
Where can I find people who have the same sense of humor as me?
Where can I find a good baguette?
Where can I find someone who knows about taxes in my host country and my home country? …”
The platform allows each individual to register and find people according to their affinities and needs. There are two ways to find compatible profiles: search criteria and the geographic map that allows locating all the site’s users.
Registration is in English. It is easy and takes less than 3 minutes. Claude Koehl confirms that user data is protected and will not be sold.
There are two ways to communicate on the platform: via private messages or via the forum, where one can ask a question to the community. The portal also allows the publication of cultural events.
Natives are also strongly invited to register. Indeed, some of them are interested in meeting “global nomads”: a passion for foreigners; practicing a foreign language; wanting to break out of their circle of friends and meet people from a different culture…
The platform is also open to companies oriented towards international business or that have a specialty related to a particular country. These companies can find their targets, and expatriates can find the specific company they need.
Currently, the service is free for all, but the one reserved for companies will be chargeable in a few months. Claude Koehl reassures about the service for individual users: “it will remain free”.
Connectcultures.me is a project that has great significance for its creator. Indeed, she has lived in several countries, traveled extensively, and speaks 5 languages. Currently, she is in Mexico and she is learning her 6th language: Spanish.
Following the request of some users, Claude Koehl is considering a feature reserved for romantic encounters. But it is important to note that this is not currently the purpose of the platform.
If you want to develop your network, no matter your country of residence or origin, you are invited to register on this site that brings together international enthusiasts: https://culturesconnect.me/